Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Star Child in action

Classic scene from Kiss Meets the Phantom. Slow motion, 70's sci-fi sound effects, simple, brilliant. After Paul smashes the 2 wolfmen's heads together, Peter quips "Dey awl lose dere 'eads ova you Pawl" followed by a well placed "ack!" from Ace.


Johnny Sweatpants said...

I want to change the title of this blog. What does everyone think of "KISS AND SMELL"?

Johnny Sweatpants said...

Yeah, I've had problems all day. I have SOOOOO much KISS to talk about, I'm getting all backed up here!!!

JPX said...

Chopper, whenever I write a long post I always do it in a Word document first because I've lost some of my longer posts as well.

JPX said...

I liked the "KISStorical Accuracy" better - just my 0.2 cents.

Johnny Sweatpants said...

Paul's expression in this picture looks like he's saying "Yeah, not only am I gonna smash your two wolfman-heads together, but I'm gonna look sexy doing it!"