Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Paul Stanley - Live To Win

No visuals, but here it is! The long anticipated debut single. Upon first listen, all I can say is that it's much better than Gene's solo effort...


JPX said...

Hmmmm, it sounds like Disturbed, or a similar-type band. Better than Gene's effort but very generic rock. I'm not humming it and I just finished listening to it. I hope this isn't the best track on the album.

Johnny Sweatpants said...

Yeah... After listening to it again, it kind of sounds... what are the words I'm looking for...? Oh that's it: totally fucking lame! I'll still buy your crappy album Paul, but listening to it more than once a day for the first 2 days is another matter altogether.


Johnny Sweatpants
Esteemed KISStorian

Johnny Sweatpants said...

By the way, where in the holy hell is Chopper and Mr. Energy? It appears they've turned their backs on our face-painted brothers and are undoubtedly spending their time on Van Halen blogs and the like.... For shame.

Johnny Sweatpants said...

And now that I think of it, Mr. Energy boasted that he took his picture with Gene but I never saw said pic. This was roughly a year ago. Any time you're ready to share, Mr. Energy, if that is your real name, Kiss and Smell is ready.

JPX said...

Yeah, boo Chopper and Mr. Energy! I had high hope for the boys and their vast Kistorical knowledge. Yeah Mr. Energy, you need to prove that you met Gene, where's the pic?

Yeah Live to Win is lame. Paul seems to copy the style of other bands and did not place his personal stamp on this song. I really believe that this is going to suck but perhaps we'll get one good cut off it.

Johnny Sweatpants said...

This song is just so awful, seriously. Garbage...