Contrary to popular belief, there’s more to being an esteemed KISStorian than rocking and rolling all night. The truth is, I spend most of the day’s hours poring over important KISS documents while listening to KISS. After crunching numbers in the middle of the night, I suddenly came upon an astonishing discovery that could very well save lives: Every Ace-sung KISS song is really great. Don’t believe me? See for yourself:
Shock Me (Love Gun ‘77)
Rocket Ride (Alive II ‘78)
2000 Man (Dynasty ‘79)
Hard Times (Dynasty ‘79)
Save Your Love (Dynasty ‘79)
Two Sides of the Coin (Unmasked ’80)
Torpedo Girl (Unmasked ’80)
Talk to Me (Unmasked ‘80)
Dark Light (Elder ’81)
Into the Void (Psycho Circus ’98)
In Your Face (B-side ’98)
You will notice that the Space Ace only sings 11 KISS songs aside from his ’78 solo album. But every goddamned one of them is a gem.
I too agree with Johnnysweatpants' epiphany. I've been on an Ace kick lately and his KISS stuff is solid, which begs the question, why does his post-KISS stuff suck?
Great post by the way.
In truth, Save Your Love is kind of a shit song but I wasn't about to let that ruin my post...
I like Save Your Love!. The gang sounds a little off-key during the chorus, but still...
Next time you're in the car by yourself, try singing the chorus there "Saaaave yoouuuurrr Looooove". I tried it, it ain't easy.
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